Tai Chi at Boulder Kung Fu
Our classes are best suited for those inspired to practice regularly in between classes and can commit to attending classes at least twice a week (calculated quarterly). Please note that we observe a traditional class format and therefore do not offer “drop-in” classes. Since tai chi is taught as a sequence of movements, each class builds upon the previous classes a student has attended.
While we will practice together as a group, each student in the group may be learning and embodying a different part of a form and should therefore not expect a “follow along” format. However, because of this, interested prospective students can start at any time.
To see if we’re a good fit, please watch the video above. If it resonates, schedule a time to view a tai chi class. New students must commit to an initial 3-month membership for $480. After that, our regular tuition is $480 per quarter.

About Tai Chi
In China and throughout the world, Tai Chi Chuan is a traditional Chinese internal martial art that has been practiced for hundreds of years to promote good health and for self-defense. It is founded upon the dualistic principal of Yin and Yang from Daoist philosophy. Because of this, at the core of the practice is its observance of nature – as well as the natural flow of life. Indeed, it is from this harmony we can discover our very essence – that of inner peace and stillness.
The Boulder Kung Fu Academy offers instruction in Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan. Students start with the “Long Form” (Gah Gee) to develop a strong foundation. The form is comprised of 108 movements practiced in a slow, relaxed manner. The mind becomes very calm, and qi and blood circulate freely to all parts of the body, making the internal organs, tendons, ligaments, and muscles strong. The unity of movement, breathing and concentration contributes greatly to physical and mental health.
Tai Chi Chuan relies on internal power and is a gentle form of movement that promotes relaxation, flexility and balance of body and mind. Consequently, tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion.” Many of the moves are soft and yielding, turning an opponent’s power back against themselves. Contrary to its gentle appearance, Tai Chi Chuan at its advanced stages of training, becomes an effective martial art. As in all styles of kung fu, however, proficiency in self-defense requires dedication and consistent practice.